Results for the Category: "Research"

Cubes with letters show the word Research
Milenia HybriDetect – Number of Citations grows further
The years fly by, and a lot happened in the scientific world of diagnostics in the last few years. We…
Milenia HybriDetect Cassette – Bring your Lateral Flow Assay Ideas to a Final Product
Lateral flow tests have been one of the game changers during Covid-19 pandemics. Many companies have seen the advantages of…
Milenia HybriDetect New Citation Record! Citation List Update
HybriDetect joined the world of science in 2006 with the paper “DNA Detection Using Recombination Proteins” by Piepenburg et al.,…
Milenia HybriDetect – Types of Use & Fields of Application
The third and last part of the blog article series „Milenia HybriDetect Basics“ tries to highlight two main aspects. The…
Milenia HybriDetect Lateral Flow Assay Kit
Milenia HybriDetect – A Potential Tool in Diagnostic Kits – 3 Relevant Aspects
The test strips of the Milenia HybriDetect product group are easy-to-use universal lateral flow devices, that can be implemented in…
Tuberculosis – A New Generation of Rapid TB Diagnostics is Urgently Needed
Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the most important infectious diseases and thus a topic of global importance. A significant reduction…