Anisakidae - IgG ELISA
This ELISA kit is for the quantitative detection of IgG antibodies against parasites of Anisakidae family in human serum. Serology is an aid for diagnosis and cannot be used as the sole method of diagnosis.
This product is manufactured by Bordier Affinity Products in Switzerland and distributed in Germany exclusively by Milenia Biotec.
This ELISA kit is for the quantitative detection of IgG antibodies against parasites of Anisakidae family in human serum. Serology is an aid for diagnosis and cannot be used as the sole method of diagnosis.
This product is manufactured by Bordier Affinity Products in Switzerland and distributed in Germany exclusively by Milenia Biotec.
Specific antibodies in the sample bind to Anisakidae excreted/secreted larval antigens sensitized on microtiter plates. The presence of parasite specific antibodies is detected with a Protein A alkaline phosphatase conjugate.

2-8° C
ELISA wells, dilution buffer, washing solution, control sera, conjugate, substrate solution, stopping solution
Comparative analysis of excretory-secretory antigens of Anisakis simplex, Pseudoterranova decipiens and Contracaecum osculatum regarding their applicability for specific serodiagnosis of human anisakidosis based on IgG ELISA. Experimental Parasitology 197, 9-15. (2019)
Kochanowski, M., Gonzalez-Munoz, M., Gomez-Morales, M.A., Gottstein, B., Dabrowska, J., Rozycki, M., Cencek, T., Muller, N. and Boubaker, G.
Validation of an Anisakis sensitization in different population groups and public health impact: A systematic review. Plos one 13 (2018)
Mazzucco, M., Raia, D.D., Marotta, C., Costa, A., Ferrantelli, V., Vitale, F. and Casuccio, A.