IL-6 / Interleukin-6 Test
Test for the semi-quantitative evaluation of human Interleukin-6 (IL-6) in serum, plasma, cell culture supernatant, amnitotic fluid or cerebrospinal fluid.
This product is only available within the EU!
Please note:
Starting with Lot 124, result readout is only possible with the evaluation card. Please refer to the related lot specific instructions for use.
Test for the semi-quantitative evaluation of human Interleukin-6 (IL-6) in serum, plasma, cell culture supernatant, amnitotic fluid or cerebrospinal fluid.
This product is only available within the EU!
Please note:
Starting with Lot 124, result readout is only possible with the evaluation card. Please refer to the related lot specific instructions for use.
IL-6 binds to a first anti IL-6 antibody conjugated to gold particles. The IL-6 loaded gold particles diffuse through the membrane and overflow the test line.
A second monoclonal antibody, specific for IL-6 is coated on the membrane. The gold particles are bound specifically and become visible as a coloured line. Colour intensity is directly proportional to the concentration of IL-6 in the sample. The conjugated specific antibodies printed as a second line on the membrane captures the rest of gold conjugate.

A New Qualitative Interleukin-6 Bedside Test Can Predict Pneumonia in Patients With Severe Head Injury – Comparison to the Standard Immulite Test and a Semiquantitative Bedside Test, J. Neurosurg. Anesthesiol. 2007; 19; 1; 5-9 (2007)
Schlosser H.-G. et al.
A Point of Care test for Interleukin-6 in Amniotic Fluid in Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes: A Step Toward the Early Treatment of Acute Intra-Amniotic Inflammation/Infection. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2016, 29(3), 360-367 (2016)
Chaemsaithong P. et al.
A Point of Care Test for the Determination of Amniotic Fluid Interleukin-6 and the Chemokine CXCL-10/IP-10. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2014. (2014)
Chaemsaithong P. et al.
A Rapid Interleukin-6 Bedside Test for the Identification of Intra-amniotic Inflammation in Preterm Labor with Intact Membranes. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2015. (2015)
Chaemsaithong P. et al.
Bedside Assessment of Amniotic Fluid Interleukin-6 in Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2014 Oct;211(4):385.e1-9 (2014)
Kacerovsky M et al.
Cytokines in Noninvasively Obtained Amniotic Fluid as Predictors of Fetal Inflammatory Response Syndrome. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2016, 215: 96. e1-8. (2016)
Kunze M. et al.
Detection of Intraamniotic Inflammation in Fresh and Processed Amniotic Fluid Samples With the Interleukin-6 Point-of-Care Test. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2015 Sep;213(3):435-6 (2015)
Kacerovsky M. et al.
Diagnostic Value of an Interleukin-6 Bedside Test in Term and Preterm Neonates at the Time of Clinical Suspicion of Early- and Late-Onset Bacterial Infection Neonatology 2012; 102; 37-44 (2012)
Batfalsky A. et al.
Effect of Antibiotic Therapy on Interleukin-6 in Fresh Semen and Postmasturbation Urine Samples of Patients with Chronic Prostatitis / Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome, J. Urolog. 2008; 72 (2); 336-339 (2008)
Stancik I. et al.
Frühe Veränderung der Hautmikrozirkulation bei Früh- und Neugeborenen (NG) mit Verdacht auf bakterielle Infektionen Z. Geburtsh. Neonatol 2008; 212; S1-S116 (2008)
Rabe H. et al.
Infektionsparameter aus abgehenden Fruchtwasser bei Patientinnen mit frühem vorzeitigen Blasensprung 2008 (2008)
Kunze M. et al.
Interleukin-6 Bedside Testing in Woman at High Risk of Preterm Birth. J. Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2011; 24 (10); 1301-1304 (2011)
Vousden N. et al.
Interleukin-6 Serum Level Assessment Using A New Qualitative Point-of-Care Test in Sepsis: A Comparison With ELISA Measurements, Clin. Biochem. 2008 (2008)
Schefold J. C. et al.
Point-of-Care Testing for Interleukin-6 in Cerebro Spinal Fluid (CSF) after Subarachnoid Haemorrhage Med. Sci. Monit. 2008; 14 (2); BR265-268 (2008)
Dengler J. et al.
Rapid assessment of the IL-6 Cervico-Vaginal Fluid Level Threatening Preterm Labor Ginekol. Pol. 2009; 80 (9) (2009)
Rzepka R. et al.
Rapid Evaluation of the Absence of Inflammation after Rupture of Membranes. J. Matern. Fetal Neonatal Med 2014 27 (9); 865-869 (2014)
Berthiaume M. et al.
Stress Doses of Hydrocortisone in Septic Shock: Beneficial Effects on Opsonization-Dependent Neutrophil Function, Intensive Care Med. 2007 (2007)
Kaufmann I. et al.
Szerum-interleukin-6-meghatározás gyorsteszt segitségével. Az újszülöttkori szepsis korai diagnózisa, kizárása. Klinikai Tanulmányok 2007; 148; 1609-1614 (2007)
Görbe E. et al.
The QuickLine IL-6 Lateral Flow Immonoassay Improves the Rapid Intraoperative Disgnosis of Suspected Periprosthetic Joint Infections. Technol. Health Care 2016 (2016)
Wimmer MD et al.
Vaginal Fluid IL-6 Concentrations as a Point-of-Care Test is of Value in Woman with Preterm PROM. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2016. (2016)
Musilova I. et al.
Vergleich von Plasma Interleukin-6 und -8-Konzentrationen bei früher und später Form der neonatalen bakteriellen Infektion Z. Geburtsh. Neonatol 2008; 212; S1-S116 (2008)
Neunhoeffer F. et al.