584 Results for ""
Privacy statement myilab - Milenia Biotec
The Milenia myilab-research App can only be used in conjunction with the Milenia myilab-research and for the evaluation of Milenia Biotec’s own (medical) tests. The respective user is responsible for the protection of the data entered by the user (healthcare professional) and generated
Support myilab - Milenia Biotec
Need assistance? Our support team will be happy to help you. E-Mail: support@milenia-biotec.de Milenia Biotec GmbH Versailler Str. 1 35394 Gießen Germany +49 (641) 948883-0 www.milenia-biotec.com
LabCycler 48s - PCR Thermal Cycler - Milenia Biotec
LabCycler 48s – PCR thermal cycler for a wide range of applications Unused devices with a one-year warranty at a special price The device is characterized by the following features: Heating and cooling rate: 5 °C/s TFT color display with touchscreen Heated lid: Automatic up to 110 °C
HybriDetect Cassette - Milenia Biotec
The HybriDetect Cassette is the cassette version of our HybriDetect dipstick (MGHD 1). It is a simple and quick tool to develop your own rapid test and allows you and your clients a custumor friendly evaluation. Various molecules can be detected such as proteins, antibodies and genetic amplicons.
Milenia GenLine Extraction System - Milenia Biotec
The Milenia GenLine Extraction System is an universal kit which is intended for the isolation of analytes from swabs for further processing.
Milenia HybriDetect Cassette – Bring your Lateral Flow Assay Ideas to a Final Product -
Lateral flow tests have been one of the game changers during Covid-19 pandemics. Many companies have seen the advantages of this test format. The interest in designing a very own rapid test is still unbroken in the scientific community since then.
Link to the published articles and guidelines for the product Aspergillus Antigen (Galactomannan) – Rapid Test
Link to the published articles and guidelines for the product Aspergillus Antigen (Galactomannan) – ELISA
Invasive Aspergillose – Labordiagnose mit Schnelltest und ELISA - Milenia Biotec
Die invasive Aspergillose gehört im klinischen Alltag zu den am häufigsten übersehenen Diagnosen, unbehandelt führt sie fast immer zum Tod. Um eine wirksame Behandlung zu gewährleisten und die Sterblichkeitsrate zu senken, ist eine schnelle und frühzeitige Diagnose von Bedeutung.
Aspergillus Antigen (Galactomannan) - ELISA - Milenia Biotec
This ELISA kit is for the quantitative detection of specific Aspergillus Galactomannan Antigen in Serum or Bronchoalveolar Lavage (BAL). This product is manufactured by GaDia Diagnostics in Switzerland and distributed in Germany exclusively by Milenia Biotec.