584 Results for ""

The usefulness of commercially available serological tests in the diagnosis and monitoring of treatment in patients with alveolar echinococcosis. Clin. Exp. Hep. 5 : 327-333.

Outcome after discontinuing long-term benzimidazole treatment in 11 patients with non-resectable alveolar echinococcosis with negative FDG-PET/CT and anti-EmII/3-10 serology. PloS Negl Trop Dis. 9.

Low incidence of helminth infections (schistosomiasis, strongyloidiasis, filariasis, toxocarosis) among Dutch long-term travelers: A prospective study, 2008-2011. PLoS ONE 13.

Evaluation of the prevalence and clinical impact of toxocarosis in patients with eosinophilia of unknown origin. Korean J. Intern. Med. 32, 523-529.

Evaluation of Immunofluorescence antibody assay for the detection of E. bieneusi and E. intestinalis. Parasitol. Res. 2016, 115 : 3709-13.

Short report: presence of Enterocytozoon bieneusi associated with intestinal coccidia in patients with chronoc diarrhea in HIV center in Haiti. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 2008, 79: 579-580.

Evaluation of an immunofluorescent-antibody test using monoclonal antibodies directed against Enterocytozoon bienusi and Encephalitozoon intestinalis for diagnosis of intestinal microsporidiosis in Bamako. J. Clin. Microbiol., 2002, 40 : 1715-1718.

Optimising the cut-off of the Bordier Aspergillus IgG ELISA for the diagnosis of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis. J. Microbiol. Methods 176.

Ein einfacher HIT Schnelltest – Milenia QuickLine HIT - Milenia Biotec
Eine schnelle, einfache und dennoch präzise Erkennung einer Heparin induzierten Thrombozytopenie (HIT) kann für betroffene Patienten entscheidend sein. Dieser Artikel widmet sich der Erkennung einer lebensbedrohlichen Erkrankung über einen Lateral Flow basierten HIT Schnelltest – dem

Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Using Reverse Transcription Helicase Dependent Amplification and Reverse Transcription Loop-Mediated Amplification Combined with Lateral Flow Assay

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